Konferenca požela uspeh
Zadnje dni v Slovenijo romajo zahvale in čestitke za dobro izpeljano Evropsko skavtsko konferenco. Objavljamo pismo WAGGGS-a (v originalu), ki dokazuje, da so/ste vsi prostovoljci odlično opravili svojo nalogo!
(Avtor: )
22 June 2007
Dear Friends in Zdruzenje Slovenskih Katoliskih Skavtinj In Skavtov and Zveza Tabornikov Slovenije
On behalf of the Europe Region WAGGGS I would like to formally thank both your Associations for the amazing job you did with the regional conferences. We could not have asked for better hosting and your contributions went a very long way to making the conference the success it was.
It was a real pleasure to work with your members in the conference planning team over the past three years. They were always so enthusiastic, so helpful and so focused on ensuring it was a high quality guiding and scouting event. They were also a lot of fun!
The team of volunteers who joined us in Portoroz were incredible and nothing was too much for them – even when clearly it should have been. They really ‘did their best’ and a lot more besides. As Associations you should be very proud of your current and future leaders.
The co-operation between the two associations was also very positive and showed what COULD be done if two associations have the desire and the commitment.
So, once again, thank you very very much for everything. It has been a pleasure to work with Guiding and Scouting in Slovenia and I hope we will have the opportunity to do so again.
Please feel free to share this letter as widely as possible as I am sure there have been many people involved in the conference that we have not seen or whom we did not get a chance to thank in person in Slovenia.
With thanks
Heather Roy
Regional Director, Europe Region
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

Dear Friends in Zdruzenje Slovenskih Katoliskih Skavtinj In Skavtov and Zveza Tabornikov Slovenije
On behalf of the Europe Region WAGGGS I would like to formally thank both your Associations for the amazing job you did with the regional conferences. We could not have asked for better hosting and your contributions went a very long way to making the conference the success it was.
It was a real pleasure to work with your members in the conference planning team over the past three years. They were always so enthusiastic, so helpful and so focused on ensuring it was a high quality guiding and scouting event. They were also a lot of fun!
The team of volunteers who joined us in Portoroz were incredible and nothing was too much for them – even when clearly it should have been. They really ‘did their best’ and a lot more besides. As Associations you should be very proud of your current and future leaders.
The co-operation between the two associations was also very positive and showed what COULD be done if two associations have the desire and the commitment.
So, once again, thank you very very much for everything. It has been a pleasure to work with Guiding and Scouting in Slovenia and I hope we will have the opportunity to do so again.
Please feel free to share this letter as widely as possible as I am sure there have been many people involved in the conference that we have not seen or whom we did not get a chance to thank in person in Slovenia.
With thanks
Heather Roy
Regional Director, Europe Region
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts